So we're gonna take the arms up, inhaling, look towards your thighs, grab onto your thighs, and you really deeply scoop, exhaling, stretching the legs out, flex the feet and just slide forward. You're just releasing the low back and going forward, one, exhaling, and two, one more time, three. Start to roll back, bending your knees as a unit and find that cradle position, and float the arms slowly overhead. The more you do this, the more your back will stretch out, and the easier the full exercise will become. Let's do that again.
We're gonna go inhale, grab your thighs, scoop the pelvis up so the pubic bone is reaching towards the forehead, reaching out through the heels and go forward, one. And I like to think about reaching the ponytail out, and three, roll back, bend your knees once the sacrum gets down. Good, and scoop, that really challenges the abdominals, and reach, and stretches the low back. That is one way to do it. We call that roll up with the knees bent.
Her head is gonna lengthen all the way down. So the tension is gonna help you get up. So, good, her arms are down. She starting on her back, legs together. So she's gonna lift her sternum, her head, neck, and chest.
She's gonna exhale, go over, reaching. You're gonna lose tension on the band, which is fine. And go ahead and do the same breath pattern here, two, stretching out, three, and then you're gonna roll back. The most important thing is that you clear this position. You really get that low back into the mat first, and then you lengthen all the way down.
There are a variety of different strengths in your band. So you can choose, inhale, which you need, exhale, dive over. And the breath pattern that I'm giving her is just an optional suggested, and you can breathe however your instructor tells you to or whatever feels good, as long you're breathing, right? Inhale, good, and release. A third variation is if you find that your legs
So I'm gonna have Amy show you, arms overhead, what the tendency is here is the arms lift. Once the chest starts rolling up, the legs compensate, and they lift off the floor. So we're going to allow her to put the weights over her ankles to anchor them down. So now she has a base that's anchoring her, inhale, look forward, exhale, roll up, much better. And then she's gonna reach the crown of the head out, forward one, two, and a three, and roll back.
Her feet are flexed, and now they point, and she's gonna scoop and hollow and reach the arms overhead, keeping the ribs connected. You really wanna articulate the spine up, inhale, rolling up and over, good, anchor, down one, two, and three, and roll it down. And I'll mention that these weights are a total of about four or five pounds, and rest.
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