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Ruth Alpert

Ruth Alpert is a seasoned professional in Movement Re-Education and Body Alignment for individuals, and a valued Partner to the studio owners and workshop sponsors for whom she teaches.
Read More Ruth has an extensive background of professional training in New York City in classical ballet, beginning with George Balanchine’s School of American Ballet in 1960; Modern Dance, starting in 1956, including early training at Juilliard and eight years of The Merce Cunningham School technique. Ruth graduated from Bard College with a BA in Dance in 1973 and has done graduate work at the California Institute of the Arts. She was certified as a Practitioner of The Trager® Approach in 1987, certified in Pilates in 1993, certified in GYROTONIC® Method in 2002, and graduated as an Alexander Technique teacher in 2007.

Ruth has performed with modern and post-modern choreographers. She was an original member of Douglas Dunn & Dancers Company in New York City and while in Austin was a Guest with the Deborah Hay Dance Company. Ruth has been Appalachian flatfoot dancing for 42 years. She has taught workshops, danced with Old-Timey string bands, busked (street performed) in various cities in at least 6 states. She currently does foot percussion as a member of The Honeysuckle Possums, a local Santa Barbara all female Americana band.

In 1977, Ruth began to look for a solution to the chronic pain and injury that seemed to be part of a dancer’s life. She began to work with Susan Klein, and studied Release Work (Lulu Sweigard lineage) and the work of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen of The School for Body-Mind Centering. She was a student of Emilie Conrad’s Continuum work for over 8 years. Ruth was trained in pilates by Michele Larsson in 1992, and has been an Associate of Core Dynamics Pilates Teacher Training since 1998.

Recent Videos with Ruth

Feet, Awareness, Release, Warm Up

Aug 27, 2017
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Foot Focused Warm Up
Ruth Alpert
25 min
Core Dynamics® Pilates
Feet, Imagery, Articulation, Exploration

Aug 06, 2017
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Movement in the Feet
Ruth Alpert
25 min
Core Dynamics® Pilates
Feet, Anatomy, Spring, Mechanics

Jul 06, 2017
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Mechanics of the Foot
Ruth Alpert
15 min
Core Dynamics® Pilates