Hi, I'm Monica Wilson and welcome to my jumpstart Palladio's class with the magic circle. When you are able to stay disciplined with your [inaudible] work and practice it three times a week, your body feels invincible, free and strong. That's not always the case with life and that's okay. We might travel, get sick, indulge in the holidays, or get over committed with responsibilities. Today we are going to jump back into our mat work using the magic circle, two invigorating.
Wake up our muscles we so love to use in our [inaudible] work. Tomorrow we will use our re stimulated muscles to move freely and enjoy the same exercises with flow. After these two classes, you will feel back to your strong self again, ready to hit any Peloton playlists program or class you want to attack. So grab your magic circle and let's get started. We're going to stand at the front of our mat and we're going to work a little bit of standing footwork. So put your circle between the heels of your hands. Straight ahead, elbows up. This is going to be about an intermediate class, so not a beginner class, not a basic class, but trying to wake up all those muscles again.
So go ahead and Relevate or rise up onto the ball of your foot, drawing your powerhouse in and up, keeping those heels together weight forward, and go ahead and bend the knees over the big toes, keeping your spine long, tailbone to the floor, and then roll down through the heels in here as you're going to really use the outer thighs, inner thighs, lifting the arches, lifting your pelvic floor, your lower belly, all the way up to the back of your ribs and your chest and up to the crown of your head. You can't get any taller. Using the circle, you're going to pull the belly in as you press. Keep that high cross over with the foot and you're going to lower yourself down. Pull it in, keeping your height, lengthening your back, scooping in, practicing balance. And let's get ready for the hundred. All right, so put the circle to the side, lift your bottom back to the center, roll down your back, and let's go ahead and put the circle between your ankles and we're going to put your feet back on the floor. Parallel one hand over the other, behind your head. Take a big breath and exhale. Draw your belly in and you want to feel your pelvis nice and flat.
Tailbone down. Big Breath, trying to stretch your lower back by pulling your powerhouse into your lower back into the mat. On the next one, we're going to exhale and round up our head and shoulders. Big Breath. Exhale, and then taking a breath. Pull your belly and more come up. Higher. Big Breath. Exhale, squeeze, circle. So you're pressing a midline. Pool it over your knees, over your hips. Take a big breath, and then exhale. Reach your arms long. Rounding your spine from your powerhouse pump. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five.
Lower back is down middle. Touch the bottom of your shoulder blades. Inhale into the mat. Exhale, squeeze and draw the upper body forward. Middle and lower. One more press and exhale. Squeeze that circle down to the shoulder blades.
Take a breath and exhale. Rounding forward, pulling the belly always back, and now all the way down. Press and draw on your waist waistband first. Next bone. Next, we're learning how to stabilize our lower body in with the air. Stabilize it as you curl the rest forward.
One more time. Press. Draw everything in.
Let's keep our knees bent and we're going to put the right ball, the foot, and stretch the leg. Now holding that, let's work the back of the left thigh to go down the middle of our body if you can. If you're not flexible enough, you can keep the knee bent. And now I'm going to press the circle between my hands, anchoring the back of my ribs. Reach that right leg down and scoop it up with your powerhouse. Cross around, up, cross around, up to the circle. Up to circle, back of the thighs. You go down, stomach up.
Once you get a lovely, use the back of your right thigh and glute to slide down the middle of your body. Releasing that hip flexor and we're going to hold a circle between the heels of our hands, reached the left leg long so we really release that hip flexor powerhouse up and cross around up to around Paz. Three around precision for around hold. Last one around reverse, around and up, back of the fight engages on the way down. Powerhouse on the way up three, I think this is last one, and hugging that knee. I'm going to leave that rolling like a ball right now.
We're going to get to that next class. We're going to put this foot down and do single leg stretch. Draw in the right knee, right hand on your ankle, left hand on your knee, pull into the mat and lift roundup your head for single leg stretch. Slide the left one straight. Reach it out and switch and switch.
Great job. We're going to let ourselves really understand where we should be for the series of five. Your hands are gonna be behind your head. Okay. And I'd love for you to work towards having your pelvis just like this. Not tilted too much, not tilted the other way, but just where you can feel it nice and flat on the Mat. And you're using your powerhouse to pull and stretch into your lower back.
So taking a big breath, just like we started the hundred pool in.
Extend the arms as the legs. Squeeze out. Circle with energy back. Pull the belly against the circle and your belly is going to pull in and up against the circle and squeeze the inner thighs. Trying to stabilize that lower body. Press the hips. That way we have one more.
Take another breath. I still don't like how high I am. I'm going to pull in and come up so my weight is more forward. Pressing the circle reach and squeeze it up and reach and squeeze it up and rich and squeeze it up. Let's reverse that. We're going to squeeze it down and pull up and squeeze a town and pull it one more and now bend the knees and come up, up, up and twist to that right knee. Come Center, stretch forward. Pull and up, up come center. Stretch forward. One more set. I'm feeling it. I'm sure you are. And stretch forward. Draw it in.
Now you might wonder why I didn't want to do a rolling like a ball, but I'm doing open like rocker and it is kind of silly, but I like the feedback that the circle gives you. Maybe you can only hold behind your knees. Maybe you could hold behind your cast, but we're going to draw the belly in, pull the waist back and extend the legs with the magic circle. There we go and we're going to just lightly press so that you draw those inner thighs, lower belly rock back and exhale, expanding the rips, lift, lift, lift, and FY more in with the air and exhaling. Really try to feel the connection of the inner thighs, pelvic floor and lower belly to start. Exhaling on the way up.
Press, Huh? And now stay here with the circle and try to roll down the lower back. Press evenly. Okay. We're ready for corkscrew. Press your arms down and let the legs fall to the right. Pull your belly into the mat as it goes. Left and center.
Bend the knees. Take the circle away. We'll leave it out for saw today in with the air. Set up. Any way you can. Feet go out and arms out at shoulder height. Lift off your seat. Pull your belly in, twist to your right. Open those collarbones and exhale, lifting in the waist, lifting in the waist, lifting in with the year, twisting with those nice open collarbones. Delicious. Exhale, lifting in the waist, pulling up, up, up, up, and try not to collapse. Reach for the corners.
You should really feel that, have that feedback and you're going to curl your tailbone towards you. Not using tight hip flexors, but using these muscles right here and then you're going to keep lifting your seat up using these muscles, using these. I want you to imagine you're lying down on your belly, on your pelvis, on the mat, and you're super straight and we're going to do 20 pulses, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. I hope your belly hasn't scooped like this in a long time. Really feeling it. Four, three, two. Hold it tight.
Watch how I roll down my ribs, not my bottom, and then the shoulder blades and then the middle back waistband. And finally my tailbone. We're going to do that one more time again, pretending we're lying on our belly. We're going to press the circle and use these muscles to curl. K, really deep stomach here. Lift using these muscles. Once you have them, you can push down and lift up even higher. And 22 three, four, five, six. So I'm trying to create a straight line from my shoulders to my knees because if I was lying on my belly, I'd hopefully be a straight line three, two, one. Now hold, and you're going to melt down meltdown one bone at a time.
Stay right where you are. I just want to demonstrate what I want to envision on the mat. So if I lift it up but not quite up to the ceiling, then it'd be like my, there'd be a tunnel under my pelvis when I'm lying on the mat. What does that look like? So press curling towards me. You can do it with me or not curling up. So ideally, if I was lying on the mat, I'd have be pressing through the mat right here with these muscles.
But if I wasn't really using this to the most degree, there'd be a little dip, whether it was from my chest, whether it was because of my bottom. But when you're lying on your stomach right now, you're going to progress into the mat from these muscles and support your lower back with your powerhouse. Let's flip over. So we're gonna put the circle aside for a second. Hug the knees and turn on over onto your belly. For neck. Rural hands can go either right under your shoulders if you're super, um, flexible otherwise, a little forward or a little out.
Draw the shoulder blades. Here's what I'm talking about. Press. Try to find the back of the thigh and the seat, making a little dimple and I want you to press into the mat and you're going to pull your belly in. I knew how to use those muscles to help liberate your neck. Liberate your upper back, upper back. Pull it up, circle the head freely to the right around to the left and far reverse.
Look right around left and for now. Lengthen out of that tight bottom and come on down. We're going to grab your circle and we're going to work our chest muscles for single leg kick. Too many times we collapse and then we don't get enough out of our lower body because we've done this with our upper body, which doesn't let our bottom or quads or hamstrings work enough. So we're going to put the heel, the elbows right onto your shoulders.
We're going to pull, press your pubic bone down again into the mat. You're going to pull your belly in. Now I'm going to roll up in my shoulders, press the circle and use all of that to lift. Holding your upper body like this. Lift both legs up at right to left too so you get more out of your hamstrings, more out of your bottom, your glutes. If you can stabilize the upper body, try to squeeze the inner thighs right by each other, right by each other.
Now I want you to press the circle with your inner thighs. Keep the glutes pressing down as you lift the legs. Squeeze a circle into your bottom, squeeze it as you link out and pull up up with freedom and the upper body. One more time on the left,
We're going to place it in between our inner thighs and we're going to sit up tall. I haven't done this one a long time. Not a favorite, I have to say, but it's important. Always revisit things and learn from what maybe you need to learn more about. Okay, so we're going to sit up tall. Press with those inner thighs, give feedback in her thighs, pelvic floor, lower belly, and we're going to lift tall. Fill your waist, pull up to the back of your ribs, out the crown of your head, hinges back, and then curl the rest down and we're going to end with the air squeezing. Exhale, scooping in. Touch the forehead. Inhale, sit up tall, releasing the circle. Press.
MMM. Exhaling all the way forward. Much harder with your hands behind your head. Lift up tall, releasing press and let's hinge back. It feels good though. That's the neck pull. Curling down. One more.
I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
And so you're really trying to learn how to stabilize with the lower body to get more out of your upper body. Let's do our sidekicks lie on your right side. Circle between the ankles. There we go. Lying long than bend the elbow and stack up your hips. Turning out, scoop your belly and maybe even lift your right waist a little bit as you press.
Bend the bottom leg, slip it in, bend the top leg, slip it in both hips, stacked outer thighs. Pull your belly in and stretch it. Three, two, one release. Five count. Stretch, pulling in, stretch through whore. Three, two, one release. Don't hike up your hip like I just did. Use right here, right here. Just stretch right here. All right, and now we're going to press down, rock it back, put it between our ankles. I did not like that, so I'm going to adjust it. All right, and we're going to be rolling onto our belly. And guess what? Same thing what I was talking about with the bridge, pressing down your pubic bone, your pelvis into the map by using your hamstrings and glutes supporting your lower back with your belly. Let's go ahead and squeeze the legs together. Lift him up with your waist. Roll onto your belly.
Small pillow for your forehead. Many beats.
Pull the belly in and squeeze. How's that stable lower body going? Add one more. Pull it in and squeeze.
Here we go. Scoop in your belly. Use that outer thigh and stretched to three, four, five. Release the bottom legs. Working to use the outer thigh to press down as the top one presses up. Release. And one more time. Very nice job.
We're going to press down, rock it back. Put the circle between our ankles. All right, we are going to creatively lie back on our back. K, put the circle right between four teaser. Okay. Scooping in your belly. I want you to squeeze the legs forward and trying to use here.
Pull in against that circle one more.
Maybe pull on your feet as you lift your head. Pull against them and exhale and stretch your upper body. It should be a massage for your back. All rolling should be a massage tomorrow in with the air. That's hell on this last one. Let go.
Cross your ankles. Push into the mat for feedback. Always feed back. Let's grab our circle to finish up. So on the next class we're going to finish with pushups. You're going to be in a plank position. Want to give you a side profile? Playing position should look just like you're standing. Great Posture, arches lifted inner thighs lifted pelvic floor, lower belly up to the crown of your heads on the front, on the back.
Two, three, four, five. Release. Pulling it in. Squeeze. Two, three, four, five. One more time. Pulling in. Use those muscles and put it behind you for a little opening. Chest and tricep work. Pulling in a little roll. Open your shoulders. Lift your chest from your powerhouse. Squeeze. Two, three, four, five. Release. Pulling in and squeeze to the four. Five. One more time. Pulling in. Squeeze.
Two, three, four, five. And now for the ultimate feedback, we're gonna rise up onto the ball of our foot pumping eight counts. Here we go. Pump. One, two, three, four. Your whole bite should be remembering how to be tone, how to work the back of the legs, how to work the bottom. How do you use your powerhouse for balance? And three more. One, two, three, four. I want to see your pushups like this tomorrow. So easy to stay in a nice straight line or a piece of steel.
Two more from your head to your heel. Four, five, six, seven, eight and dash two three four, five, six. One more time. Don't use your calves to come up. Use your hamstrings. Use Your glutes. Hold your balance with your powerhouse and a counts down light as a feather back down on your heels. Almost stretching your lower back to do so. Great job today. See You tomorrow to work with flow.
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