Total Body Overball
Tracey Mallett
Class 4843

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So much challenge just w mat and back
So much challenge just w mat and ball!
Great class - hard! Love the variations - thank you!
Great class xx
Wow!! Great class and fit so much into a short time. Really feel worked form head to toe. Continue the great work.
Awesome class, exactly what I needed tonight! Thank you so much !
Loved this workout,  I enjoy using props like the over ball and the foam roller because they really do not allow you to hide and they show imbalances across your body and provide a great challenge.Thank you!
So glad Tracey is back with a new awesome class! I had learnt the older ones by heart! We want more of you Tracey! You are the best!
Loved it Tracey! Great variations, thank you!
wonderful class! great self love affirmations too
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