Mat for Hip Replacement
Brent Anderson
Class 2125

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This was the perfect class for me today, I was feeling a little shady around the hip area and this class gave me great relief! Love Brent Anderson!
Very happy to find this class - wonderful pace, flow and clear cueing; highlighting all that you can do/teach safely following anterior lateral hip surgery. keep it coming, brent anderson! :)
2 people like this.
Great class. Always refreshing for me, working alone it's polestar pilates instructor in Mozambique, to access what you doing in the "other side of the world". Thank you Brent, you are great.
1 person likes this.
I don't have a hip replacement yet but I have lost a lot of hip mobility. This class was very helpful and felt great. Thanks!
Fantástic class!!
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Brent you are a life saver. I feel so much better in my hip!
Fantastic class! Brent is great love his classes. Always feel encouraged and refreshed.
Fantastic class! Brent is great love his classes. Always feel encouraged and refreshed.
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I too have a background of Pilates, dance and gyrotonics...and had my total hip replacement two months ago here in Spain. This class was fantastic. I would love a second class progressing a bit further...maybe in a month when Mindy is further along? Thank you, Brent!
Very practical and extremely useful. Thank you Brent and PilatesAnytime for such great content.
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