How do I pause my subscription? (FAQs)

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Sarah~ Thank you for your comment. You may resume your subscription by logging into the site and reactivating your account. Please email us at if you have any more questions.
If, I pause my account now, will I be notified by e-mail when it is activated again? I wouldn't want to be billed and not remember that I have an account. :) 
Hello, If I pause my subscription, will I be charged according to the new(er) rates upon return?
also, If I chose to pause for a month, would I be able to pause again from a certain period of time I need to?
When my subscription is re-activated after a pause, will my account with all its data,  settings and playlist be restored as it was before the pause? Thanks.
I have the same question that was not answered previously.

 If I pause my subscription, will I be charged according to the new(er) rates upon return?
Hi, Deborah W! If you pause your subscription, vs cancelling it, your monthly rate will not increase - unless we decide to apply this price increase to all existing customers in the future. Currently, it only applies to new and returning customers. 
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