Knee Pain
Sherri Betz
Tutorial 2373

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Thanks! Your progression and cues made a lot of sense. You are very engaging and careful with client’s needs! Much appreciated
Very helpful lesson! Really liked your cues and use of dowel and Springs
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awesome tips and exercises! thank you very much for this helpful tutorial.  
1 person likes this.
What a good lecture on the subject! Thank you.
Sherry you are such a great lecturer! The only problem I had- if you could call it that- was that I had to stop the tape to take in the density of the information.
Your presentation is packed with knowledge and within a short period of time you say a lot. I very much appreciate that. Grateful for you here!
Dear Copycat ,
You have no idea how grateful I am to receive this compliment. This has been such a difficult time dealing with this pandemic...doubting my skills, wondering if there is a place for us "hands on" people and being worried about the future. Many blessings to you and your continued Pilates practice enhancing your body, mind and spirit!
Hi sheri I have  developed  A burning sensation and pain outer left knee. It is fairly new no swelling. What would you recommend. Thank you🙏🙏
Z A , it may be a nerve issue, lateral collateral ligament sprain, or could be ITB insertion strain.  I am available for telehealth PT sessions and could evaluate your knee and make some recommendations.  Let me know if you are interested by contacting me at  I look forward to hearing from you.
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Thank you Sherri, I've just watched this on your recommendation following your frail to fit series. Very helpful for the knee issues. I don't have a trap table, so I shall try doorframe, or even dog leash and therabands over the door was you showed us.
thanks again for all your amazing knowledge xx
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