The Pilates Legacy Project (Blog)

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Just the intro gave me goosebumps. Can't wait to dig in. Thank you so, so much, Kristi!
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Wonderful project and so glad that everyone will be included. This will be so wonderful to get more insight into the "family tree" of pilates so ewe can have a stronger community together, rather than be divided. In wish I could have been there when these amazing people were interviewed. So many questions. Thanks Kristi.
These are all great people, but you're missing my favorite elder, who was trained with Joe and Clara.....Mr Jay Grimes!!!
Thanks Mary Lyon, Lagrange, Il
Mary ~ Thank you for your feedback. We had to choose somewhere to start because we couldn't do everything at once. We are hoping to continue this project to add the rest of the Elders and the next generation of Pilates.
Hi Mary, No one is missing because we aren't finished yet I'm copying my response to concerns about other "missing" elders from higher up in this thread...

We plan to include everyone... Jay Grimes, Mary Bowen, Bruce King, Lolita San Miguel, Robert Fitzgerald...Alan,Rael, Kathy Corey, Brent, Murat, Laura, Rima, Gia...We are all a part of this tradition no one shall be excluded and it will take time (and resources) to document and share it all in a meaningful way. Thank you for your interest and your patience.
Thank you for presenting so much important information! I don't know where to begin, but I'll just pick a video and slowly work my way through it all and savor every minute.
Andrea, there is no wrong place to begin. We hope that after watching the trailer, which should give you a sense of what is to come, you will choose one of the biographies first. From there it may make sense to move on to the overview of methods for that teacher or simply choose the next biography for comparison. In time, there will be even more to choose from and the beauty as far as we see it is that you can follow whatever road interests you most. Thanks for being willing to savor!
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