Total Body Overball
Tracey Mallett
Class 4843

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2 people like this.
Hi Tracy, I loved this workout! You made me sweat and I enjoyed the different variations with the ball. Thanks so much and have a beautiful day!
Fabulous class!!!
Fun class. A total body workout in a short time! Great!
Great class!!!
1 person likes this.
What an incredible class. You had me right from the start though I did waver a bit with those wicked side kicks.   Too bad that next time I take this class I know they'll be coming.  Haha. There are sooo many creative variations throughout this hard working and fun session and your enthusiasm was unfaltering.  Thank you.
Awesome class Tracey! Thank you.
Holy cats that was some burn in the core and legs !
Wow! Challenging and so effective in a short time frame. Thank you! 
Thank you Tracey. What a Purrfect class… it did not feel like a short time to me. Just right.
1-10 of 40

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