Clarifying Common Cues
Carrie Macy Samper
Tutorial 1835

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Great recap and imagery! Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed it, Kirstin!
I love hearing new ways to cue. Lots of clients just don't understand what exactly they need to do to access certain muscles. This helped a lot. Thanks
1 person likes this.
Love the thought of concentric/eccentric! I have never heard it said or for that matter thought it, but It makes perfect sense! Can't wait to use these in my class. Thank you!
I love your cues, Carrie!
Thank you for watching, Marijane, Connie and Lauren! If you took away some helpful cues for your teaching, that makes me very happy!
Carrie, simply this was great. Gave me new ways to que my classes and a renewed understanding of the 100. Thank you. Would enjoy more.
That is awesome to hear, Belinda! Thank you for that wonderful feedback!
1 person likes this.
Awesome! I love how you talk about the concentric and eccentric contractions happening simultaneously! Brilliant!!! Thank you.
Loved this so much. It really helped me to deepen my connection and I will certainly be using these cues to help my students. Thank you.
1-10 of 16

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