Mobilizing Mat
Amy Havens
Class 3528

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I simply loved this class Amy! Have been sick for awhile and was a bit rusty today. This was perfect to warm up and engage my muscles in a gentle but still challenging way. Wonderful work! Thank you :)
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Thank you so much Ola M .  I hope you're feeling better each day!  Much love to you!
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Amy Havens I know I'm late to this class but it was everything I needed today. Moving meditative work that got me out of my brain, into my body to work without the stress of getting the sequence right or keeping up with pace. Thank you.
Sook Wern C I'm so happy to hear this.  I often enjoy just getting down on the Mat and doing the sequences without too much brainwork going on.  It's nice to simply move and not stress about getting things right.  We are always right.... because we are moving!  :)
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brillant ! as always . <so happy to meet your classes again 
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This class has it all:  fun angles, well integrated props, and no small amount of upper body.  Approximates the Reformer well for those who like that kind of translation on the mat.  Ball allows for all kinds of deeper angles and reinforced control.  The upper body emphasis is choreographed well to match the class and not just some tossed-in biceps.  Going on the favorites playlist!
Thank you so much Sylvana M and Allison -- you always have such wonderful comments for me!
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So many juicy, teachable moments in this class! I was thinking about my clients with little to no thoracic mobility and how I can weave some of these exercises into their sessions. Lots of opportunities for exploration and connection. And smart use of props, as always! Another great class, Amy!
Kim W let me know how your clients get along with some of these movements.  Thanks for taking class with me!
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