Mat for Back Pain
Brent Anderson
Class 983

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Love, love, love! The perfect blend of imagery & anatomical information. I could listen to Brent for hours! Hoping there may be another workshop on it's way? Please!
"Hi L3, how you're doing today?
Great, L4, how you're doing today?"
Love this cuing on connectivity through the spine.
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And something not related to the class, but more to the location of the studio...those waves and that glitter in the sea and those people walking along sea is amazing.
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I feel pretty darn good after that!!! :)
Elizabeth, we DO have a workshop on the way from Brent. He taught a Hip Pathologies and Pilates workshop. It was great. It will be coming out in a month or so. (Julian Littleford is up next in the workshop line up)
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I very much enjoyed this session. Brent has an excellent way of communicating - cues were very good. Thank you very much.
Kristi, you never fail to come up with the goods! How did I survive before Pilates Anytime.....a constant source of inspiration & information! Thank you so much, looking forward to both Julian's & Brent's workshops!
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Fabulous. I always love Brent's classes. Can't wait for the hip workshop.
7 people like this.
He's my top example of being a master on using understandable information for those people with back pain. I appreciate a lot his work of getting to this point of knowledge and he is the best from all at this category of rehabilitation.
Thank you Brent and thank you PA!
fabulous! x
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