Feel Good Reformer
Kristi C. & Meredith R.
Class 3204

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So many thanks, Kristi and Meredith! I loved the reformer class. Very complete, pleasant and as always, although my English is very limited, I understand everything to perfection to your magnificent explanations.
Greetings from Madrid, Spain!
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So appreciated working out with you both. Needed it!!
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Great team effort. Thanks for a nice smooth session.
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Delighted the “Girl Time” videos are back. These are my favorite reformer classes to do.
Thank you Meredith and Kristi!! Great workout!!
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Girlssssssss:)))) a great masterpiece once again.
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Another great class with you two ladies! I have a question, Is your carriage position in first gear or second? Just wondering, because it looks like first gear and wondering how you decide and reference point?
Thank you!
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Thank you. That was lovely and it sure felt good! :)
2 people like this.
That was so much fun! Loved getting in some feel good stretches...😀
Very nice How will I find your other duo classes?
1-10 of 25

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