Move for the Joy of It
Amy Havens
Class 5175

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Effective I added Thera bands and feel so alive!
I really enjoyed this as a morning workout,  the rollovers and open like rocker were not as kind to me fresh out of bed but loved the movement and I love to see more classes like these. 
So fun! Finished feeling more connected and stronger. 
I feel great! Thank you!
My first class in a couple of weeks and my back feels like it has life again - thanks Amy. These short workouts are a life saver when life gets hectic
So nice, Amy. A short, fun and effective workout. Thanks. ❤️
Definitely a feeling of joy after this one- thank you!
Great short class in addition to a run
Perfect length for a busy morning! I loved the seesaw with pelvic curls and the rotation during side lying!
Nice class Amy! Usually  I prefer a slower pace, but speed certainly has it advantages :)
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