Really enjoyed the tutorial. Very informative, but I'm still not clear on how to determine that it's a structural problem vs. a strength problem. Is it possible to clarify? Thanks!
Another great tutorial! Your clients correction improv with the gondola pole was cute. Might you consider a break down of squats for many have problems with those?
Thank you. If you have cued the client into ideal alignment of feet, knees, hips and pelvis and unloaded the affected joint by increasing the spring tension to red or blue springs in spring assisted squats and that takes the pain away, it is a strength problem. If the client is in good form and alignment and using the heaviest springs and a pole or support behind the back does not take the pain away, it is often a joint derangement and may need the treatment skills of a physical therapist or surgeon.
Fantastic Sherri! Just had a client who complained of pain in her knees, great timing. Your explanations and cues and what options to use and progress too were so helpful. Helping us to understand structural and strength awarenesses so valuable. Thank you for sharing your expertise.
Great tips, Sherri! I have two new clients who overweight the right knee and feel a lot of pain. In this particular case should I do the same number of repetitions on both sides? Especially the standing on one leg? Thank you and all blesses!
So GLAD and Happy for PilatesAnytime and Internet! I didn't have the chance to learn more from you while you where in Miami... Invaluable information! I always quote you on " Knees have no personality, they will do whatever your hips or feet are doing...SHerry Betz" Thank you... and hugs