Do you have an iPhone or iPad App?


We do, and the app is available for download here. You can also go to the App Store on your iPhone or iPad and search for "Pilates Anytime."

How To Install the App

Go to your App Store on your iPhone or iPad, and search for "Pilates Anytime." Once you see the green Pilates Anytime logo, click the 'Get' button. After you allow the app to download, you can click on the icon to open the app. Below is an example of what our app looks like in the App Store.

How To Log Into the App

If you created your original Pilates Anytime account on your computer or through your web browser on your iPhone or iPad, you will need to log in with your account information in the app. Click the 'Log In' button and enter in your email address and the password you used to create your original Pilates Anytime account. Our system is case sensitive, so make sure that everything is typed with exact case.
Important Note: If you are prompted to sign into the Apple Store using your Apple ID, you must press 'Cancel' to access the Pilates Anytime App login page. Logging into your iTunes Store will result in creating a duplicate account.

Accessing Our Videos

Once you are logged in to the Pilates Anytime app, you can watch videos by selecting the 'Videos' tab or 'Programs' tab on the bottom left side of the screen.

Filter Videos

Click on the 'Videos' tab. You will be taken to a new screen with several sections - including 'All Videos' and 'My Videos.' In 'All Videos,' you can see the preselected links we created: 'Latest,' 'Popular,' and 'Trending Videos.' In the 'My Videos' section, you can view videos that are recommended for you, videos you have recently watched, and videos that you have included in your 'My Queue' and 'My Favorites' playlists.

Searching for classes using the filters or search bar:

To search by filters, click on any of the links under the 'All Videos' tab (i.e., Latest, Popular, or Trending Videos).

Then, click the 'Filters' button in the top right to refine your search by Apparatus, Duration, Level, and more. Click 'Done' to see all the videos that meet your filter criteria.

To use the search bar, go back to the 'Videos' tab and enter in any keyword, class title, instructor, or class number you would like (into the search bar at the top) and click 'Search'.

Programs Tab

Click on the 'Programs' tab on the bottom left side of the screen to browse through our programs. Each program has playlists that contain our videos in a specified order. These programs are curated for specific needs to help you find the Pilates practice and progressions that are best for you.

Downloads Tab

You can view all your downloaded videos by clicking the 'Downloads' tab at the bottom of the screen. This is a great feature for those who are traveling without an internet connection, or for those who have better access to data and higher internet speeds during specific times of the day.

To download videos, follow these three steps:
1. Find the video you would like to download.
2. Click the green cloud icon (the green square with a cloud inside of it) beneath the video to download the video. 3. Make sure your video is complete before shutting down the app.

Download Workshops

To download a workshop or premium content, first, you will need to purchase the content online via your web browser. To do so, open your browser and log in to Once you purchase the content via the Pilates Anytime website, you can open the Pilates Anytime app, and download the content to your device.

How To Delete a Downloaded Video

You can download a maximum of thirty videos at a time, so you may want delete videos out of your downloads to make room for other videos. To delete a downloaded video, swipe all the way left on the video thumbnail - or swipe partially on the thumbnail and tap the red 'delete' button. All of your downloaded videos will stay on your device if you are logged into the app and are a member of Pilates Anytime. If you log out of the app or cancel your membership with Pilates Anytime, your videos will be removed from your downloads.

Audio-Only Feature

You can play videos in audio-only mode, like a podcast. This helps save data if you are reaching your data limit. To switch to 'Audio' mode, click the audio button beneath the video. Once you are in this mode, click the green cloud if you want to download the audio. To switch back to 'Video' mode, click the video button beneath the video.

After you download the Pilates Anytime app, we would be so grateful if you could return to the App Store, and give us a rating and a review. Enjoy!

Does this answer your question?


Alisha ~ Thank you for your forum post. With the app, we do not have the custom playlists available. To see videos you have saved, I recommend saving them to your Queue or Favorites so you can find them easily. I will pass on your suggestion to our programmers in the hopes that we can add custom playlists to the app in a future update.
1 person likes this.
Excellent, user friend app ! Just signed up for my trial and can't wait to do my first class !

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